Contents of Newsletter back issues
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A quarterly newsletter keeps members informed of events and news.
For details of providing copy for the Newsletter and the contents of the current issue, see the Newsletter page.
Back issues of the newsletter can be found on the e-Newsletters page.
Available Issues
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Newsletter Contents
Issue 146, Spring 2018
- Summer Walks and Visits 2017
- London Transport Museum
- Avro Vulcan XM655, Wellesbourne
- Winter Talks 2017/18:
- History of Railway Signalling Control Development
- A brief history of Wicksteed Park
- Articles
- The Great Westminster Ding-Dong
- Updates:
- Greyfriars, Northampton
- Vulcan Works, Northampton
- Turnell's Mill, Wellingborough
- The former LNWR works at Wolverton
- Miscellany of Items of Interest:
- Crossrail work at Paddington reveals Brunel's GWR engine shed
- Anniversary years
- French can put the UK on the right track
- English style railway signals in Spain
- News from around the County
- Next stop Paris for Barker shoes
- Kettering-Corby electrificatuion works starts – two reports
- Rail group bids to block town link road plan (Northampton)
- New industrial park on the cards
- Of this and that including:
- Winter meetings – refreshments
- Membership of Northamptonshire Heritage Forum
- Dates for the Diary
- And Finally