Issue 171, July 2024 now available
For latest issue details, click here.
A quarterly newsletter keeps members informed of past, present and future events and is issued in January, April, July and October. Past issues may be available at a small cost to include postage. Click here to see the contents of the latest issue.
Copy material
Our Editor is always on the look-out for articles and topics about the lost industrial heritage in Northamptonshire. Regular topics are reports on the Winter lectures and the summer walks and visits, which cover a wide range of topics and places.
Copy date for issue 172: 28th February
Guidelines for articles
Articles should be no longer than about 1200 words. If the subject matter is considered to be of special interest and, in the author's opinion, warrants a longer article, the author is advised to discuss the matter with the editor prior to submission.
Photographs and/or drawings are always welcome to accompany the article and should be supported with appropriate captions. If not the author's own work, the source of any graphic material should be fully referenced and acknowledged.
Submission may be either by post or by email:
- When sending material through the post, it should be sent first class, especially if it contains photographs, slides or other graphic material. Photographs and slides will be returned after use.
- Articles sent electronically should be sent in one of the standard formats:
- Word™ (.doc),
- Rich text format (.rtf) or
- Plain text (.txt).
- Images and other graphical data should be sent as separate individual attachments. Images should be larger that 2.2 Mpx (megapixels) in either JPEG (.jpg) or TIFF (.tif) format. Vector data should be in one of the recognised formats:
- Adobe Illustrator™ (.ai),
- windows metafile (.wmf), or
- Visio™ (.vsd).
Back Issues
The contents of recent issues can be found on the Back Issues page.
Back issues of the newsletter can be found on the e-Newsletters page.
Latest Issue

Issue 171, July 2024
- News, reviews, information:
- Northampton shoemakers in the 1880s
- Geologic Hydrogen
- Underground railway for Northampton
- Manchester Victoria station and its signalling
- D-Day with an industrial twist
- A ship's engineer's duties on bulk carriers
- Philip Manfield
- The buildings of Zanse Schans
- Hanseatic League: part 3: Sheffield Steel
- Bookseller and rental libraries
- Turkish baths for animals in Victorian London
- IA Techniques [Final] Part 6: Finished Drawings
- Lamport Railway walk
- Kettering furnaces locomotive to be in steam again
- Urban diaries
- Postal paths
- Connections…
- Closure of the Peterborough branch line on 4 May 1964
- Photo competition