EMIAC 88: From Runway to Race Track
Northampton, 18th October 2014
Conference Details
Almost from the day the RAF vacated their base at Silverstone, the runways of the former air base have been used for motor sport, be it on two wheels or four wheels. In 1964 Mike Costin and Keith Duckworth set up a factory in Northampton to design and manufacture high performance engines that were to be used in all levels of competitive sport up to and including Formula 1.
Since then another engine manufacturer and two F1 teams have been established in the county; together with many component suppliers and associated engineering facilities.
As part of their 50th celebrations, Cosworth Engineering has kindly allowed us to use their presentation facility for this event. In the afternoon we have been offered a tour of their facility.
Organised by NIAG and was to have been held on Saturday 18th October 2014 in Northampton.
The draft conference programme is:
09:00 Registration with tea/coffee
09:30 Welcome and Introduction
10:00 The War Years at Silverstone
10:40 Break
11:10 50 years designing and manufacturing high performance engines
12:00 Advances in design of high performance cars
12:40 EMIAC Business Meeting
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Tour of Cosworth Engineering's facility.
16:30 Tea and departure
Cancelled due to the non-availability of keynote speaker.
Image courtesy of Cosworth Engineering.
Image courtesy of Roger Saunders collection.
Conference Report
Additional material
The following websites provide additional background to the papers presented:
- Cosworth Engineering - www.cosworth.com
Please note: Although checked at the time of writing, NIAG cannot be held responsible for the validity of these links or the integrity of these sites.